Humans are potent creators able to manifest everything in life.
The ability is there; we only have to tap into it.
Manifestation can be described as something that we bring into our physical reality: through concentration, thoughts, feelings, or beliefs, and of course through action. It can be anything: people, material things, experiences.
We can also consider manifestation as tricking and reprogramming of the subconscious mind. If we feed the subconscious with things we want, it will eventually believe it. This will help us gather everything that helps us to get closer to our goals.
We manifest our reality all the time. It can work both ways; we can manifest what we want or what we don’t want. Everything we have or experience in life is the result of what message we send to the universe. It is vital to learn manifestation, so we can have control over what we attract in life.
In this practical guide, I want to share principles, stages, and qualities of manifestation and visualization. I share advice and practice how you can start manifesting your dream life today.
We can practice manifestation in many different ways, but some key principles are necessary for success.
- Be as clear as possible
- Consistency — do it every day
- Gratitude for what we have now.
- Feeling emotions — of how we will feel when we achieve our goals
- Inspiration — being inspired by our dreams gives us motivation
- Action — align your actions with your goals
- Expecting the results
Manifestation also means changing our habits and mindset. It can be the habit of thinking, a pattern to manifest every day, a growth mindset, or a mindset that resonates with your dream.
Trust is important. Sometimes it is not the time, the place, or the readiness to fulfill our dreams. Give it time. I have learned it many times myself. When I wanted something, and it didn’t happen, it eventually turned out to benefit me.
It is best to manifest after waking up or just before sleep. These times the mind is least active and most receptive to ideas. When people are falling asleep, they can see hypnagogic hallucinations. We can follow these vivid images, explore them without asking why or how. We can imagine into sleep, helping our subconscious to grasp our goals even better.
There is also manifestation, and there is true manifestation. The first is when we want something for ourselves. True manifestation — alignment with goals that serve a greater purpose than ourselves. That means improving for the benefit of others and the planet or dreaming of something that will help us all. This sense of giving value is high vibration; therefore, our subconsciousness responds to it even more.
We can use these stages almost anywhere in our personal development. It works great with the process of manifestation.
1. Life happens to me:
This stage is the primary stage. It means that we still do not have much control over life. We do not know the power of manifestation or do not use it.
2. Forced manifestation:
This stage has masculine qualities. We force ourselves into manifestation. Like a straight line, we use anything we can to move forward with our dreams.
3. Life happens through me.
This stage has feminine qualities. We realize that life is constantly changing; life is a game. Then we start dancing and playing with it. We play with our manifestations, go with the flow, and finally reach where we want to go.
4. You are one with life.
It is the last phase in which we are in full control. We trust the universe and find harmony and balance between the second and third stages.
These stages have four different qualities: focus and attention, motion, feeling, imagination.
In the second stage, which is masculine, we use our focus and attention, also motion. Motion as in action: we know what we want, and then we start to do it. It can also mean saying yes or no.
The strongest type of action is inspired action.
In the third stage, which is feminine, we focus on our feelings and imagination.
Stage four synchronizes all: imagination, feelings, focus and attention, and motion. We become harmonized and can use the art of manifestation most effectively.
In different areas of our lives, we can be in different stages. We also can move through stages every day. Which stage are you in your manifestation?
You have to feel empowered for your success to show up, you have to feel abundant for your wealth to find you. You have to feel gratitude to create the life that you want.
DR Joe Dispenza
When I use the word universe, I mean many things. For some it may be our subconscious, for some, it may be the Divine, for some it may be ourselves.
It is crucial to know how we send a clear message to the universe. The universe doesn’t know the difference between negative and positive, or yes and no. It best resonates with energy and vibration. Therefore, we must learn how to express exactly what we want:
- Ask the universe what you want instead of what you don’t want. If you send the message that you don’t want to lose money, the universe will only hear “loose money.” Instead, ask always to have money.
- It is essential to manifest from a place of power. If we ask from a place of neediness and weakness, we send a different message. Thinking that we want, need, or wish something, represents a place of lack. Asking from the position of power means that we believe that we deserve it, that we are enough.
- We need to be aware of our subconscious. If we believe something 100% and our subconscious mind is 100% opposite, we get 0%. Suppose we want to lose weight, but when we look in the mirror, we are out of shape and don’t exercise; the subconscious will know that it is impossible.
- Another thing to remember is to detach from our dreams. If we become too attached, we become scared that it might not happen. It may lead to anxiety, despair, not being present.
If we do not align with our manifestation or start feeling negative, we have to take a step back. If we continue, we may dig a deeper hole, but if we take a break, we can assess our situation. We can see what is wrong, ask for support, change, or even start over.
When we manifest, we have to act. We have to put ourselves in the motion of the dream and support it in every possible way.
- Talk about it as much as you can. It is important how we do it. Otherwise, it can create inner pressure and fear that we could fail. Try to put it in such a way that you are working towards something, looking for something, or making something happen.
- Build skills around it. Learn as much as possible about what you want to achieve. The more you learn, the more you resonate and identify with your dreams.
- Surround yourself with people who believe in you or even with people who are already living this dream.
- Act like you are already there. Another famous saying for that is: fake it till you make it. Imitate the experience, confidence, knowledge. Embody the person you want to become. The universe gives us who we are. Pretend more than you are, and eventually, you will become that version progressively.
- Create a clear action plan. Capture the steps of the process of how you imagine you will achieve your dreams. It is also helpful to see the stages of other people who reached similar goals.
- Start small but move forward. Let’s say you always wanted to live in a villa on the beach. You can first get a hut next to the beach that takes your dream a step closer.
I started from scratch and knew nothing about blogging. But then I started doing research, reading books and other blogs about it, listened to podcasts. I started meditating on what I want to achieve, how can I help people grow. I shared my dreams with the people around me. On the way, I face many challenges, but I overcome them myself. All these things that I learn on the way make blogging more and more my reality. But most importantly, I believe in what I do.

Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.
Bo Bennett
Visualization is creating vivid images in our minds of what we want. It is merely like daydreaming. But only seeing pictures is not enough. We also have associated ourselves with the emotions we want or might feel when reaching our goals.
It is a daily practice for many high performer individuals. For top athletes, it is the only way to land tricks that have never been done before. For CEOs, it is a tool to succeed and the best way to progress with their business.
As with everything in life, the more we use visualization, the better we get. We train by practicing it exercising it. I found a practice that helps me improve my visualization skills effectively. I couldn’t get through the first stage for a long time, but I improved with practice.

Close your eyes and get to a quiet, calm state. Start by imagining a circle, don’t let it move or disappear. Try with any color, any size, any background: whatever works best for you. Practice this until you can sustain the circle for at least 5 minutes. Once you do that, add a square around the circle and maintain it for 10 minutes. The next step is to add a triangle around the square and keep It for 15 minutes. Finally, add a circle around the shapes and keep it for 20 minutes. Once you get good at it, do it with eyes open.
I mentioned earlier how important it is to be clear about what you want to manifest. There are ways to send distinct signals for it. We should visualize in as much detail as possible. The more specific we are, the more precise the message the subconscious mind will receive. Additionally, we can involve the five senses in the visions or imagine how we will feel in our Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.
Lisa Nichols
To create clear, powerful visualizations, you can:
- See the explicit scenes of where you want to be.
- Live your perfect day or even the ideal life in your mind.
- See the object you desire in front of you.
- Paint an image of your dreams in your mind.
Another powerful technique is to visualization is imagining watching a movie in a cinema, of what you want to manifest. Then stand up and enter the screen, become the character of the movie. See everything with the characters’ eyes, feel emotions, be aware of the surrounding. After exploring the movie, exit the screen and sit down to watch it again. Notice if anything changed. Can you see it more clear now?
It is not enough to only visualize. It is crucial to feel emotions. Imagine how you would feel; when you have that vacation or have your successful business. How you will express love to the partner, you always tough you deserve. This type of visualization puts us in the vibration, matching our goals.
We have to let ourselves explore these natural visualizations, see where they take us. It can be a rich source of information.
When a vision comes naturally, it can mean a few things:
- Your visions correspond to your purpose in life.
- The visions are images of your subconscious mind.
In the first case, the universe could try to send us a message. It could be visions of the future, an image of where we really belong, or what resonates with us the best. We need to trust this intuition.
The second means that your subconscious mind is trying to clear itself.
I met a man who told me about visualization in meditation. He resonated with me at the perfect time because I had vivid, intense, and frightening visualizations during meditation. For example, a woman’s face would scream in front of me. He told me that visualizations in meditation are like blowing into a dusty mirror. First, all the dust will come back to you. But if you blow long enough, you will see your reflection in the mirror.
These are powerful manifestation tools. They are useful because the subconscious mind understands everything best in symbols or images, not words. We see it in spiritual beliefs. People created images of gods with specific characteristics to speak to our subconscious mind. Lord Ganesh, the Hindu god with an elephant head, sits over a mouse. Therefore, he has overcome his fears.

To create a vision board or manifestation journal, you can look for specific images or even draw them. With a manifestation journal, you can also write next to the pictures to become more evident.
The goal is to get as resonating images and put your vision board, where it will often catch your eyes. With the journal, go through it as often as possible. The subconscious then will start receiving those messages. This will amplify your visualization.
There are many ways of visualization to manifest. Now you know the principles, what is left is to be creative and find what works the best for you. I will share a practice that works well for me:
- Take some time to think or meditate on what you want to manifest. Then write it down in as much detail as possible. It will help you to understand what you want, and it will make you capture it better.
- Take some time in the morning or evening to raise your vibration. Start with gratitude for what you have right now. Then it’s good to meditate, practice yoga, or anything that raises your vibration.
- After your practice, start visualizing. Practice it for 5–10 minutes. Visualize what you want to manifest in as much detail as possible. You should also add emotions, feel the energy of manifestation.
- Stay specific, positive, believe, and do not resist it. Feel that it’s already happening.
- After you come back from visualizing, add some positive affirmations like: I am worth it; I will do it; I will put the work in until I reach it.
- When you finish this practice, do not forget it — act on it. Surround yourself with the dream, move towards it, build it!
- Do this practice consistently — preferably every day or a few times a day.
- Let it happen, expect the results, and do not give up. Some things take longer; some things become real faster. The trick is to keep sending the message, moving toward it, until it becomes your reality.
- Sometimes when things stop working, when you start to feel negative emotions about your manifestation, it is necessary to stop and evaluate the situation.
Learning how to manifest properly is important because we can attract what we want and what we don’t want. If we learn how to send the right message to the universe, stay consistent, and believe, we will succeed. The fastest way to manifest anything is through visualization. But only visualizing is not enough. We also have to feel emotions and identify with our dreams. The last steps to manifestation are acting on it and letting it happen.